Abstracts (1–2 pages) should be submitted to the NBC 2025 & PCBBE 2025 using the following link:


All abstracts accepted for presentation at the NBC 2025 & PCBBE 2025 will be published in the Abstract Book of the conference.

Check the DEADLINE for abstracts!


  1. Author should use the template in Word format, which can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
  2. Please adhere strictly to the abstract structure and format provided in the template.
  3. Please in the EasyChair system put the same keywords (at least 3) what in the abstract docx file.
  4. The abstract may contain up to one figure and one simple table.
  5. Avoid inserting equations as graphic files. Use the Math function of Word 2003 or 2007, MathType or Microsoft Equation Editor to create your equations.
  6. Acknowledgements and references are optional.
  7. AMA reference style is preferred for references.
  8. Save the abstract in word and pdf format and submit the abstract in both formats.

For download:

Abstract template in Word format: